Our Story
Where to begin...
I will start by introducing myself. I am a young artist from Cincinnati, Ohio. I attended university at The Art Institute of Chicago for three years before deciding the classroom wasn't for me and so decided to travel.
I traveled and taught English in South East Asia for three years and this is where I met my amazing husband and best friend. He was one of the first people with whom I felt comfortable sharing my weird doodles and ideas. He was the first one to see Delaney & Blu in her infancy. At the time, I was nervous about sharing my work with others for fear of being judged or shot down. My husband has helped me realize that if I want to really see my dream become a reality, I need to take a leap into the chaos.
So, I did! But it took a total shock to my everyday life to really push it off. In early 2020, my husband and I were in South Africa visiting his family when the world changed, not just for us but for everyone. We lost our home in Vietnam and were unable to return to our jobs there. We moved to the USA for a short time until my husband's ( boyfriend at the time) visa expired.
When it did, he got stuck in transit between South Africa and Jamaica due to travel restrictions. We decided we did not want to go through all this without each other, and there was no better time to seize the moment, so we got married in Jamaica after just 5 days of planning!!
After that, I visited him in South Africa when the border restrictions eased. I found myself in an unfamiliar place with a new family and new restrictions. a whole new life in limbo for another year. It was a tough transition for me but it was also in that time of turmoil and transition that I realized that I needed to take action because I didn't know what was going to happen.
So, I finally took out those sketches and some clay and began my dream. It was in the complete unknown that I found purpose. That is what Delaney & Blu is all about to me. I want you to know this because each piece is handmade with love, patience and purpose. I am excited to share this with you, and I hope you can share it with others as well.
Thank you for reading my story and the journey of Delaney & Blu, I hope you will share this with others and find the beauty in your chaos. (: